
Every creative person wants to be remembered by the people they’ve worked with, who’ve shared their thoughts, experienced their creative acts and enjoyed, prospered and been in some way transformed by them and their work.

Turan Duda, FAIA
Founding Principal


We’ve gathered people around us who know how to infuse ideas into the work. They also recognize the importance to us of their participation in generating ideas as part of creating great architecture.

Jeffrey Paine, FAIA
Founding Principal

Turning ideas into buildings and putting our architecture out in the world to be experienced is the reward of our work. When we generate a sense of wonder and meaning in the process, then we’ve truly succeeded.

Sanjeev Patel, AIA


When many of our projects were in far-flung cities, some team members never saw the finished work. Now staff go down the street to see and experience a building they’ve been part of creating. This idea of directly connecting to finished work is essential to our vision of a healthy firm culture and of creating strong ties with the communities we serve.

J. Scott Shell, AIA


We work from a single studio, so the exchange of information happens naturally between people, projects and markets. We also put tremendous effort into hiring designers and architects who can see the ideas embedded in our work and appreciate what results.

Jay Smith, AIA

By developing good working chemistry, we’re able to approach any challenge with equal amounts of rigor, resolution and effort while keeping the focus on what matters.

Russ Holcomb, AIA
